There’s a better way to make bank transfers

No need for SMS confirmations. Paylouder POS instantly alerts you whenever a customer makes a bank transfer at your store.
how it works

Save time while doing business

Get instant Audio confirmations

Whenever a customer makes a bank transfer payment via Paylouder POS at your store, the device instantly alerts you for every successful transaction. You no longer need to keep customers waiting for an SMS confirmation.

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Receive settlements directly to your bank account

As soon as a transaction is completed, the Payloader POS confirms the total amount received against a purchase and settles the payment directly to your bank accounts.

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Quick Transfer Verification

No need to wait for SMS confirmation: Avoid transfer scams and put fraudsters at bay.

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Supports all payment methods

Supports all bank transfer payment methods including banking apps, USSD and QR code transfers.

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Wired transfer made easy


It is a voice-activated POS (point-of-sale) machine. Payloader POS will alert you when a bank transfer payment is complete, instead of waiting for an SMS.


For faster bank transfers, the device comes with a QR code payment option, enabling the merchants to accept unlimited payments at zero percent fees directly into their bank account.


Paylouder POS ensures that everyone starting from small shopkeepers & street hawkers to SMEs never miss a bank transfer payment and confidently complete transactions.


It’s easy, fast and straightfoward

step 1

The merchant enters the payment amount in the cash register.

step 2

The merchant then uses the POS barcode scanner to scan the payment code of the customer

step 3

After scanning the code, the Paylouder POS will inform the merchant and customer of the payment result.

step 4

The transaction amount will be paid to the merchant’s bank instantly

Now you can help save your customers time

Get ready to save your time and ease the experience of doing business. Paylouder POS is a game changer device which would completely change the way you manage your daily business activities.

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