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Pricing that is best for you

Paylouder only makes money when you do. We’re always aiming at your satisfaction.

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Processing fee

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price 2


Processing fee

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Frequently Asked

What is Paylouder POS?

It is a voice-activated POS (point-of-sale) machine for you. In simpler words, the Payloader POS will alert you when a bank transfer payment is complete, instead of waiting for an SMS, cool, isn’t it? It is a small device with a speaker for your daily payment alerts.

How does this device work?

Whenever a customer makes a bank transfer payment via Paylouder POS at your store, the device will instantly alert and notify you that the payment is completed successfully

Example: If a customer transfers N500 to the account number of your paylouder POS, the device will announce it loudly- “Received N500 successfully”It comes with a dedicated SIM slot and will work on 4G connectivity that will always be connected to the internet in order to manage the payments on your behalf.

How reliable is Paylouder POS?

This is the age where Comfort, Speed and Efficiency are the top 3 priorities for any business. Paylouder POS ensures that everyone starting from small shopkeepers & street hawkers to SMEs never miss a bank transfer payment and confidently complete transactions. In the future, this device will become an access point to multiple services for our merchant partners

Talk to Us, We’re Good Listeners.

We’re here to always answer your questions and attend to your complaints. Reach out to us if you have any, we’d love to be of help in any way that we can

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With Paylouder You Can:

Use multiple POS devices to receive bank transfer payments into a single corporate bank account.

Instantly verify customer bank transfers and avoid transfer scams.

Replay Last transaction. No need for cashiers in different locations to call oga round the clock to verify bank transfers.